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Our Mission

To provide Mental, Physical, and Emotional Wellness, and Coaching services to our police officers and members of their family, at no cost to our local Heroes!

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Our Story

The West Texas Behind the Badge Wellness & Training Project was founded on a simple principal ~ Provide mental, physical, and emotional wellness programs to our emergency first responders at no cost to our local Heroes.  â€‹


This project was established with a vision of providing our first responders with an outlet that will allow for a healthier, and more productive person in all facets of the officer’s life; family, social, and professional.  Our mission, our goal, is to provide and have accessible a multi-faceted approach to mental, emotional, and physical health care for our officers who are inundated with societal issues on a daily basis; crime, narcotics, family violence, and persons suffering from mental health issues.    


Today’s police officer is a crime fighter, counselor, mentor, coach, peacekeeper, negotiator, and arbitrator all rolled into one.  The daily stressors are evident as many of our officers are seeking an outlet, an avenue, that will provide them with a channel and a VOICE to express themselves in a private, comfortable, law enforcement setting while avoiding Depression, Alcoholism, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Divorce.​

 Contact Us: 

We are always looking for new contacts, volunteers and stakeholders who are committed to our mission.

Let's connect.

Phone: 915-297-4016

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